Immunogenicity risk assessment and mitigation for engineered antibody and protein therapeutics | Nature Reviews Drug Discovery


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Immunogenicity risk assessment and mitigation for engineered antibody and protein therapeutics | Nature Reviews Drug Discovery

Nature Reviews Drug Discovery (2024)Cite this article Metrics details Remarkable progress has been made in recent decades in engineering antibodies and other protein therapeutics, including

Nature Reviews Drug Discovery (2024)Cite this article

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Remarkable progress has been made in recent decades in engineering antibodies and other protein therapeutics, including enhancements to existing functions as well as the advent of novel molecules that confer biological activities previously unknown in nature. These protein therapeutics have brought major benefits to patients across multiple areas of medicine. One major ongoing challenge is that protein therapeutics can elicit unwanted immune responses (immunogenicity) in treated patients, including the generation of anti-drug antibodies. In rare and unpredictable cases, anti-drug antibodies can seriously compromise therapeutic safety and/or efficacy. Systematic deconvolution of this immunogenicity problem is confounded by the complexity of its many contributing factors and the inherent limitations of available experimental and computational methods. Nevertheless, continued progress with the assessment and mitigation of immunogenicity risk at the preclinical stage has the potential to reduce the incidence and severity of clinical immunogenicity events. This Review focuses on identifying key unsolved anti-drug antibody-related challenges and offers some pragmatic approaches towards addressing them. Examples are drawn mainly from antibodies, given that the majority of available clinical data are from this class of protein therapeutics. Plausible and seemingly tractable solutions are in sight for some immunogenicity problems, whereas other challenges will likely require completely new approaches.

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We thank the following Genentech colleagues for their critical feedback of this article: M. Balazs, S. Cohen, J. Koerber, J. Lill, K. Peng, O. Saad, C. Spiess, S. Swanson, W.-T. Tsai and P. Wu.

Department of Antibody Engineering, Genentech, Inc., South San Francisco, CA, USA

Paul J. Carter

Department of BioAnalytical Sciences, Genentech, Inc., South San Francisco, CA, USA

Valerie Quarmby

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P.J.C. and V.Q. researched data for this article and wrote it.

Correspondence to Paul J. Carter or Valerie Quarmby.

The authors are current (P.J.C.) or former (V.Q.) employees of Genentech, Inc., which develops and commercializes therapeutics, including antibodies and other proteins.

Nature Reviews Drug Discovery thanks John Desjarlais, George Georgiou and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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IPD-IMGT/HLA database:

Any molecule that can bind specifically to an antibody and/or generate peptide fragments that bind to a major histocompatibility complex molecule and are specifically recognized by a T cell receptor.

Linear or conformational parts of an antigen that bind to an antibody.

(CQA). A physical, chemical, biological or microbiological property or characteristic that should be within an appropriate limit, range or distribution to ensure the desired product quality.

Modification of protein sequence to remove B cell and/or T cell epitopes.

Broad set of desirable drug-like properties of protein therapeutics that includes feasibility of manufacture, stability during storage, ease of administration and favourable pharmacological behaviour in patients, and excludes target binding.

Diversification of the B and T cell epitopes recognized by the immune system.

Ability of an antibody to bind multiple self and/or foreign antigens that are unrelated to the cognate antigen(s).

Truncated and other modified forms, aggregates, precursors, and degradation products arising during manufacturing and/or storage.

Protein therapeutic that is intended to substitute or augment the deficiency of a specific endogenous protein.

Set of desired biochemical, biological and biophysical attributes for therapeutic candidates.

Peptides that are derived from an antigen that binds to a major histocompatibility complex molecule and are then recognized by cognate T cell receptors.

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Reprints and permissions

Carter, P.J., Quarmby, V. Immunogenicity risk assessment and mitigation for engineered antibody and protein therapeutics. Nat Rev Drug Discov (2024).

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Accepted: 10 September 2024

Published: 18 October 2024


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